Monday, December 28, 2009

Interesting Liberal view point

I was astonished at this post from a liberal professor on how disappointed he is with Obama. Here is the link David Michael Green.

I think I do understand the disappointment. Liberals seem to base everything on feeling and hope, but not logic. The facts were staring at us in 2008, but for some inexplicable reason, americans elected Obama.

Also, see my comments.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Another terrorist attack fails (thank God)

I did watch news last night where they said there was a passenger on flight 253 to Detroit trying to light firecrackers. When they did not mention the passenger's name, I knew it must be muslim and I told Sandhya that it must be muslim. Otherwise they would have mentioned the name of the passenger. Several other red flags were: the flight originated from Nigeria, stoppped over at Amsterdam (lots of muslims there), to Detroit (in a state with the largest muslim population in the U.S.).

Today the name has been revealed and turns out he is muslim. Question is how was he able to get on board with explosives? Will be interesting to see where the security process was broken

A quiet Christmas

Had a quiet Christmas yesterday. This is the first time that we used for most of our gift giving. Sandhya got a $100 gift card from her company that I used to gift myself lots of books! Sandhya also gifted me a set of Teaching Company DVDs. Sandhya and I watched the DVD on probability called 'What are the Chances...'. Also watched a Netflix movie called 'Beyond Reasonable Doubt'. Good movie.

Remarkable that I watched no political news on Christmas day.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Travesty of a Healthcare bill

I am compiled to blog today, because this monstrosity, this travesty of a health care bill has been passed early this morning. This is a bill that is as un-American as it can get. What bothers me the most is the individual mandate on Americans to purchase healthcare from a private company. The founding fathers started a revolution on much less than this.

The second thing that bothers me is the lie that Democrats are propagating about how this will reduce the deficit. I don't know what alternative universe they are living in, but there is no government program on this earth that has been able to contain costs. Government programs and entitlements are like a cancer. They always grow and never die.

And of course, many companies will just opt to pay the fine and take their employees off the healthcare benefits.

There is still hope. Already we are hearing that House Democrats are fearing a tough fight in conference and don't think this will reconciled between the House and the Senate before the State of the Union address.

One can only hope this bill dies an ignominious, slow death.